Tuesday, February 26, 2013

That baby has a big head.....

Our Family in San Francisco

I feel inspired to write tonight after an incident that happened this weekend. It actually happens more than I would like it to, but this weekend really "erked" me, and I hope that my post doesn't come across as a rant. Lol. Because that is not my intention. 

We went to a birthday party at Sky High over the weekend, a local indoor trampoline place that my kids LOVE. While sitting there playing with Mason and Marley a group of little girls came up to to Mason and said, "That baby has a big head! What happened to him?" Now this isn't what bothered me, because I welcome ANY opportunity to teach others about Mason's differences and show others how awesome he is. What bothered me was their MOTHER who said, "That baby has something wrong with him," and scurried her children away like he was the plague. If she would have stayed just a bit longer, I probably would have given her a piece of my mind, kindly. :) What the heck is wrong with people!

This has been weighing on my mind for the past couple of days and I can't seem to shake it. I DON'T want to go on about it, but I encourage all parents to EDUCATE their children. Not everyone is the same. We are all different, aren't we? Tonight we started reading the book, Wonder, as a family. So far so good. This is a great book for families to read to their school age children. I especially recommend it to families of cranio kids who have older siblings, or younger siblings in school. EDUCATE. 

On a more positive note, Mason is taking itty bitty steps! It seems like this week he has become more and more determined to walk! He will take a few steps from one person to another. He is also becoming quite the little show off when it comes to standing alone:) His new favorite trick is trying to do a somersault. He gets on his head with his booty in the air and waits for the push over from a big brother, or mommy/daddy. He is signing "more", "no more", "please", "eat", "thank you", and we almost have "help" down. Every time I start my little pitty party about whether Mason is going to be as smart as my other boys, or if he will ever talk, I have to remind myself, "hey, he can freaking do sign language." haha. 

On Friday Mason is having some more scans done to check the pressure/fluid on his brain. We will then have a meeting with Neurosurgery after to talk about the possibility of having a shunt placed. Then next week we meet with the plastics team.

I am feeling so grateful this week for my two older boys. I feel like Mason was given a special gift of having two older brothers to teach him everything. I picture Jeremy driving Mason to school when he's older, Brodey teaching him out to fish, Both of them demanding that he play in their front yard football games, and wrestling matches. They adore him, and treat him no differently than any other 18 month old kid. I feel so complete with these little boogers:) Until next time....

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